Weatherization Services

Carleton Energy Consulting has a weatherization team that can assist with some of the low-hanging fruit efficiency measures that, if incomplete in your building, may be causing significant energy loss and increased costs. 


Insulation of exposed pipes. 

Why does this help?

Insulation traps escaping heat, allowing most of the steam produced by a building’s boiler to reach the to floor of a building or apartments.

This work mitigates heat being lost in areas where the heat is less important and ensures as much of the heat as possible reaches the apartments, public areas, or commercial spaces – reducing boiler run times which directly will reduce utility costs.

The insulation of cold-water pipes prevents condensation during hot months, which can lead to a lot of water consistently dripping throughout the piped area.

Master Venting

In a steam heating system, air vents play a critical role in ensuring efficient and effective operation

Why does this help?

Air vents are essential components of steam heating systems, helping to ensure proper operation, prevent damage, and maintain efficiency. Regular inspection and maintenance of air vents are important to ensure they function effectively and contribute to the overall performance of the system.

Maintaining Efficiency: Air in the system not only obstructs the flow of steam but also acts as an insulator, reducing the effectiveness of heat transfer. By removing air, air vents help maximize the efficiency of the steam heating system, ensuring that heat is distributed evenly and effectively throughout the building.


Door sweeps / Weatherstrips are a simple energy upgrade that maintains hot air from escaping and cold air from entering a building. By installing door sweeps and weatherstrips, a seal is created in the colder months so the boiler can run less frequently while simultaneously keeping heat or cold air in / out – that which previously was lost through gaps on the sides and beneath exterior building doors.