What is Benchmarking?

Energy benchmarking is a process used to evaluate and compare the energy performance of buildings, facilities, or processes against established standards or similar entities. It involves measuring and analyzing energy consumption data to understand how efficiently a building or system uses energy compared to others of similar size, type, or function.


Energy benchmarking is often required by cities, municipalities, or lenders for large buildings across the country.   There are also various voluntary certification programs as a means of demonstrating compliance or achieving recognition for energy efficiency efforts.

Carleton Energy Consulting has Certified Energy Managers , authorized by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), on staff who will ensure your property is in compliance and all data is officially verified to avoid any future violations.




*Click on the Icon Marker below on the Interactive Map for a direct link to the Market Specific Ordinance.

Nationwide Benchmarking


California Assembly Bill 802

Owners of buildings larger than 50,000 square feet are required to submit whole building monthly energy use data to the Energy Commission.

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year.

The Commission has the authority to institute civil fines of up to $2,000 for non-compliance.

Berkeley, CA (BESO)

All buildings 15,000 sq ft or above are required.

Benchmarking filing is due July 1st of each year.

Violations and Penalties: There are fines of $100 for each violation and an additional fine of up to $25 per day for each day that the violation continues, up to a maximum of $1000 per violation.


All buildings equal or over 20,000 square feet are required.

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year.

The EBEWE Ordinance puts the initial non-compliance fee at $202.  An additional 250% late charge/collection fee within 30 days of the date of the initial invoice will be imposed and assignment to a collection agency may be made.  Interest will then continue to accrue annually until this invoice and additional charges have been paid.

San Francisco, CA

California AB802 is a state law that requires commercial and multifamily buildings 50,000 gross square feet or larger to benchmark energy use. Submitting one annual benchmark report to San Francisco satisfies both local and state regulations. 

Benchmarking filing is due April 1st of each year.

Owners of buildings greater than 50,000 square feet in size are subject to a $100 per day fine, limited to 25 days per year, or a maximum fine for non-compliance of $2,500 per annum.


Denver, CO

Commercial and Residential buildings over 25,000 sq ft are required.

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year.

Energize Denver Ordinance (EDO) will penalize those who do not comply with a fine of $2000 Annually for Benchmarking, failure to correct errors, knowingly withholding or inaccurate information

Boulder, CO

New Buildings over 10,000 sq ft & Existing Buildings over 20,000 sq ft are required.

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year.

Owners of affected buildings are required to rate and report building energy data, and complete efficiency actions by the deadlines posted (see above). Failure to do so can result in fines of $0.0025 per square foot – up to $1,000 per day of non-compliance.

Any Tenant of an owner subject to the provisions of this chapter shall, within 30 days of a request, provide the owner with any information required for compliance that cannot otherwise be acquired by the owner.


Orlando, FL (BEWES)

Any city-owned building above 10,000 gross square feet and any commercial or multifamily building above 50,000 gross square feet is required.

Benchmarking filing is due May 1st of each year.

Those who have not complied by the deadline will be notified by the city and identified as non-compliant in an annual report and Orlando’s public benchmarking map.  Buildings that receive a score below 50 are required to perform an energy audit or a retro-commissioning service to better understand their building performance and cost saving opportunities, minimize our energy waste, and maximize cost savings. 

Miami, FL

Buildings 20,000 square feet or greater of floor space and 5 or more units are required.

Benchmarking filing is due either June 30th or October 1st of each year depending on the square footage of the building.

The fines for non-compliance are $250 per day for the first offense & $500 per day for a repeat violation.


Atlanta, GA

Municipal buildings above 10,000 square feet, and commercial and residential buildings above 25,000 square feet are required.

Benchmarking filing is due July 1st of Each Year.

Written warning after 30 days, $1,000 fine if compliance is not reached within another 30 days.  Additional $1,000 fine each year going forward for non compliance.


Chicago, IL

Any building 50,000 square feet and above is required.

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year.

The Chicago Energy Benchmarking Ordinance (EUBO) fines building owners $100 for the first violation and up to $25 for each additional day the violation continues. This means that building owners could be fined up to $9,200 per year for each building out of compliance.

Data Verification by licensed authorized third party required once every three years.

Evanston, IL

Public city building exceeding 10,000 square feet & Commercial or multifamily building of at least 20,000 square feet are required.

Benchmarking filing is due by June 30th of each year.

Buildings failing to adhere to City of Evanston benchmarking ordinance by the specified deadline will be charged $100 per month of non-compliance.


Boston, MA (BERDO 2.0)

Buildings 20,000 square feet or larger or have 15 or more units are required.

Benchmarking filing is due May 15th of each year- Subjected to fines of $150-$300 per day for buildings failure to benchmark depending on their size. 

New and separate fines for failure to meet the emissions performance standards could be up to $1,000 per day. Fines for inaccurate reporting will range between $1,000 and $5,000.

Qualified Third-Party Data Verification required once every 5 years.

Cambridge, MA

Any parcel of land which contains buildings that total greater than 25,000 sq ft or more than 50 residential units remains subject to the benchmarking requirements of the ordinance. 

Compliance due date May 1st of Each Year.

Written warning after 30 days, $1,000 fine if compliance is not reached within another 30 days.  Additional $1,000 fine each year going forward for non compliance.

Beginning in 2026, submitted data will need to be verified to be considered compliant and emissions limits, performance standards will be in effect in coming years. Initial violation will result in a warning, subsequent violations will receive fines of $300 per day.


Montgomery County, MD

Buildings 25,000 square feet and above are required. 

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year.

The Benchmarking Law is enforceable under Method 2 regulations (including fines for noncompliance), and any violation of the law is a Class A violation. DEP will send out Notice of Violation to any building owner of a covered building who does not comply with the Law.


Ann Arbor, MI

Buildings and campuses of buildings greater than 20,000 square feet are required to submit a benchmarking report.

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year.

$500.00 for a first offense, and $1,000.00 for each additional or subsequent offense, plus the costs of prosecution including court costs. Knowingly submitting a false Benchmarking Report or submitting it with reckless disregard for the truth and accuracy of it and/or the data on which it is based is a civil infraction punishable by a fine of $500.00 plus the costs of prosecution including court costs. 


Minneapolis, MN

Commercial and Residential buildings 50,000 square feet and above are required.

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year.

Buildings will receive initial $200 violation for non-compliance by deadline, then from there the fines will be doubled for each deadline missed.  If you miss all deadlines to comply, the total will be added to your property taxes at the end of the year.


St. Louis, MO

Any building 50,000 square feet or over is required.

Benchmarking filing is due May 1st of each year.

Failure to benchmark shall constitute an offense and shall be punishable, upon conviction, by a fine of not less than $50.00 and not more than $200.00. For any continuing violation of this article, each day of the violation shall be considered a separate offense. Buildings not in compliance with the ordinance would NOT be eligible for the issuance of new residential or commercial occupancy permits.

Kansas City, MO

Compliance for the Energy Empowerment Ordinance requires owners of buildings 50,000 SQFT or greater located in the Kansas City, Missouri municipality to submit energy and water consumption to the City on an annual basis.

All applicable buildings must comply by May 1st of each year.

Kansas City can impose a fine between $50 and $500, which accumulates every day it’s not resolved until it reaches a maximum of $2,000.


New Jersey

Every commercial building over 25,000 square feet in the state to benchmark energy and water use using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Portfolio Manager tool, as required by the New Jersey Clean Energy Act.

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year


New York City, NY

Buildings 25,000 square feet and above are required. 

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year, followed by subsequent energy letter grade required to be posted due between October of that same year if applicable.

A $500 fine per quarter in violations; also a $0.50 per square foot the size of the building per month for market rate properties who do not file their emissions.

Local Law 97 associated law is a Carbon Emissions limit followed by subsequent penalties in effect for certain applicable buildings *see our carbon Footprint analysis page for more information


Philadelphia, PA

Buildings 25,000 square feet and above are required. 

Benchmarking filing is due June 30th of each year.

A fine of two thousand dollars ($2,000) for non-compliance. Each day that a building owner fails to file a required report 30 days after the deadline shall constitute a separate violation, subject to a fine of five hundred dollars ($500) for each day going forward.

Pittsburgh, PA

Buildings 50,000 square feet and above are required. 

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year.

Any Covered Building Owner or City Facility operator which fails to comply with the benchmarking requirements will be publicly listed as non-compliant on the online platform, described as “eligible and non-participating.” 


Austin, TX

Commercial, multifamily, or residential buildings above 10,000 square feet (only if the building receives energy from Austin Energy are they required).

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year.

Noncompliance for commercial, multifamily, and residential buildings can result in fines from $500 to $2,000.

Washington, D.C.

Washington, DC

Buildings 25,000 square feet and above are required. 

Benchmarking filing is due by April 1st of each year. 

Failure to do so can result in fines of up to $100 per day of non-compliance.

Data Verification by a licensed authorized third party is required once every three years 


Seattle, WA

Commercial and Multifamily buildings 20,000 square feet and above are required.

Benchmarking filing is due June 1st of each year.

Fines for properties between 20,000 and 50,000 square feet will be $2,000.  Fines for properties greater than 50,000 square feet will be $4,000.